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Bog of Allen

explore the history of peat and the unique flora and fauna of bogs

8 hr
From 7 ευρώ
Bog of Allen Nature Centre, Lullymore West, Rathangan, Co. Kildare

Service Description

If you are passionate about bogs, turf, gardening and wildlife, why not visit the Bog of Allen Nature Centre. Individual or Family Day long passes or the Annual Pass includes access to the Habitats, Gardens and Museum at the Bog of Allen Nature Centre and to nearby Lodge Bog in Co. Kildare. At the Nature Centre one can explore the history of peat and the unique flora and fauna of bogs. Experience the wild Bog of Allen by visiting Lodge Bog and visit Flytraps - an amazing greenhouse exhibition of insect eating plants from all over the world. Actitivities for children include pond dipping, quiz, frog search, nature crafts and a bouncy bog walk. Self-guiding tour. Open Mon-Fri 10am to 4pm daily and on international bog day (the last sunday in July). Picnic facilities available at the centre. Visitor Guides to the Bog of Allen Nature Centre and region included with visitor pass.

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details


O'Briens Depot, Garryduff, County Limerick, Ireland

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